Free shipping on UK orders over £45. This does not apply to any bespoke/commission pieces. Only valid on items listed on the website ready to purchase.
We will aim to post your item within 3-5 days of your order being received. All orders are shipped using Evri or Parcelforce/DHL for larger items. Both shipping forms are fully tracked services. Please note: larger items such as large pots and artwork have a longer processing time - please allow 1-2 weeks for these items to be shipped after the order has been received.
Unfortunately we are unable to offer a next day delivery service at this moment in time however we are working on this to be available in the future.
Please note: We are unable to accept responsibility once the item is shipped, if any issues are encountered you will need to contact the courier directly to resolve the issue.
I do not routinely take international orders however if you see a piece you like and you wish to purchase, please send an email to: stating the piece you're interested in purchasing and I can discuss international shipping with you. Please bare in mind that international shipping is costly and a more complex shipping method, however I will happily quote you and sell to you if you so wish. I will not be responsible for any customs fees/import fees and it is the responsibility of the customer to cover these payments. If you’re overseas and interested in commissioning a piece of art, mention this in the ‘comments’ section of the enquiry form on the website.